[DAO Rewards Systems Workshop] Zodiac_ The expansion pack for DAOs (2).png

Pattern Name Problem Solution Example Contributor


Little Seasons

Simon's Seasons Article

Zodiac Cycles

Project Funerals

Sometimes initiatives taper off, and sometimes they come to a sudden end. It can be important to mark their closing.


Bylaws for Ladders and Landings

Most cooperative organizations have bylaws complementing their Articles of Association. These bylaws state explicitly how members can join and leave the organization, for instance by submitting in writing a statement that effectively ends their governance power. Decentralized organizations can provide scaffolding for sturdier ladders and softer landings in changeable bylaws for when members desire to change their position.

Community Rule

Ease of Exit

For decentralized organizations that emerge out of a time-bounded goal, such as bidding on an auction, they should ensure their members can easily exit through access to the treasury proportional to their contributed funding.

Zodiac Exit Pattern

MolochDAO v3 Rage Quit

Thresholds of Belonging

Membership can be considered less of a binary, and more of a threshold